Landscape Paintings

‘An Old Tractor Shed’
Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

As an artist living and working in Devon, I am surrounded by subject material, be it landscape, light or dynamic shape, all demanding attention. The painting is usually started with an all over wash of dark paint through which the dynamic of the picture is revealed by wiping away dark paint with a rag to find the light within. This method has the effect of establishing the desired composition, design and drawing plus, and more importantly, the atmosphere, mist and tonality which becomes rendered in a sombre under painting which will be over painted with ever lighter key of body colour.

‘Woodsmake and Sunlight’
Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

“The Reaper Binder” nr. South Molton 2020

Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

To the Party Oils Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

“Moon Owl”

Sold at Davidsons Fine Art, Totnes

‘Tree Study’
Graphite Drawing Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

‘Rain will stop play’


‘Woodsmoke & Sunlight ll’
Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

‘Willow in the Artists Garden’
Graphite Drawing Available at the Tony Williams Gallery


‘Cows in a Meadow’
Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

‘The Thorn Tree’
Graphite Drawing Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

‘Rooks, Sticks and Cold Feet’
Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

‘Oak Tree, Lane & Shade
Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

Rope and Chain on a Jetty
Graphite Drawing Available at the Tony Williams Gallery

Man Laying a Hedge Soldat the Tony Williams Gallery

Ellie with the Geese’ Oil

‘Kings Nympton Park’
Commission Painting SOLD