Tony Williams RSMA SWA
Oil Painting Gallery

Winner of The BAE Naval Ships Division £5,000 Award 2024 at The Royal Society of Marine Artists Exhibition, Mall galleries London. The Charles Pears Award, at the RSMA Open Exhibition presented by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston,
The Presidents Award presented by John Nettles OBE At the South West Academy 2024, The Top Bond Marine Award at the RSMA 2019 exhibition, The Marine House £1,000 Award at the SWAc exhibition 2005.
“Current work features a series of paintings celebrating work images in the British ship building yards, the British coal mines and in deep sea fishing, evoking the atmosphere of industry in the pre and post war years. These industrial subjects do not represent actual events but are intended to reflect the spirit and atmosphere of a harsh landscape many decades past. What would now be considered harsh conditions of work often led to deafness, injuries and fatalities, and in this existence the painted figures become bound together in a confiding attitude. There was a great camaraderie among them and I now see these groups of workers as a corporate host of ghosts, walking or cycling to work with the ever present cigarette and dwarfed by the vastness of ships or winding gear. These are subjects that can barely be done the justice they deserve”.

The Marine House at Beer
The Rutland Gallery at Oakham
The Brownston Gallery
The Tonic Gallery at Salcombe
Davidson Fine Art, Totnes
Royal Society of Marine Artists
Sea Pictures Gallery, Clare, Suffolk
Whobid Arts at Bideford
The Burton Gallery